Sunday, September 6, 2009

How can Nagarjuna explain the world without causation theory?

In Indian philosophical Systems, causation theory is accepted as a foundational theory by all the most of the philosophical sects, except ancient Mīimānsā, ancient Nyāya, and ancient Vaiśeṣika. On the basis of this of this theory these sects explain the creation of the universe. But a Buddhist philosopher, Nāgārjuna refuted the theory of causation in the starting of his text Madhyamaka Śāstram.
So, a question comes here, on the basis of which logics Nāgārjuna refuted the causation theory and after the refutation of causation theory, which arguments remain, in Nāgārjuna`s thought, to explain the world.
The proposed research paper intends to study different aspects of the questions and will try to get solution. To provide an idea of this study, a brief account of the hypothesis is being presented here-
First of all, it will be tried to present what the theory of causation is, how it is the basis of the explanation of the universe.In the next part, why and how does Nāgārjuna refute the causation theory, and having refuted, how Nāgārjuna will be able to explain the world.
In this way, in this research paper, all the aforesaid aspects will be presented scientifically and logically.

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